Geography History Language

Ye Olde Thorn

How one forgotten letter (barely) changed the English language forever.


China’s Counterfeit Cities

China has a reputation for producing counterfeit technology, fashion, and Starbucks. Then there’s fake Paris.

Geography History

844,000 Feet Under the Sea

A brief history of the Dutch pastime of telling the ocean to fuck off.

The Grapevine Uncategorized

Here Comes Santa Claus

If you’re good, he’ll break into your house and leave presents under a tree. If you’re not, he’ll supply you with valuable fossil fuels. But where did the man with the bag come from? Featuring St. Nicholas, Krampus, Jesus, and more. The gang’s all here.

Christmas Culture Geography

Catalonia’s Coprophilic Christmas

Every Christmas, Catalonia prides itself on being fun, festive, and full of shit.

Democracy Politics United States

Our Democracy is Dumb

We don’t vote so good. (But we could.)


An American Franksgiving

The Time FDR moved Thanksgiving for fun and profit


The Weight Loss Benefits of an All-Brain Diet

The apocalypse is here for North American cervids. It arrived no fewer than five decades ago and its progress has been… slow. Make no mistake, the zombie deer are here. As their range extends throughout North America, it’s become increasingly likely that you’ve heard something about them. It’s 2019, though, and evidence of impending doom […]

Democracy Politics United States

The Case for a Bigger House

The United States House of Representatives is a cornerstone of the American Democratic system, a piece of living history, and a real shitshow.

The Grapevine

Florida Man

You’ve probably heard of Florida Man. He’s yesterday’s big-time meme. In this episode, we set the man (and his could-be cinematic universe) aside to talk about the state that created a legendary figure. Is Florida really that weird?